About Judy Founder of Yoga Headspace, and co-founder of Yoga United, Judy brings a creative mix of yoga-based practices to engage health seekers of all ages, sizes and abilities to tune into their own head space and inner wisdom. She takes yoga, meditation, embodied mindfulness and yoga therapy into health spas, offices, schools, mental health & Continue reading »

This Light in Oneself

yoga, books, krishnamurti, profound, insight, psychology, meditation, silence

Here’s one of our favourite quotes to remind me of what the spirit of yoga is all about! I’ve been sorting through my yoga books and files in attempt to organise myself better, and then I get distracted by a lovely piece of writing…and then…something else happens…it could be smell of food, an email ping, Continue reading »

Be an Olympic Champion in 5 easy steps

arm, raise, surya, namaskar, breath, olympics

What did you notice this year? I noticed runners and swimmers getting faster, gymnasts defying gravity, athletes breaking their own records with staggering feats of physical strength, flexibility, accuracy and endurance – the human body is quite the miracle, don’t you think? How can they possibly keep evolving and breaking world records? I simply marvel at the action replays Continue reading »

Mindfulness & Meditation

mindfulness, meditation, medication, present, moment, course, debunk

Meditation is the new medication It’s in magazines, newspapers – even my mum has heard that meditation is good for you. With studies and research into neuroplasticity, researchers are backing up the benefits of mindfulness and meditation with scientific data – meditation really does change the neural pathways in your brain. When these studies talk Continue reading »

The Yoga Squeeze – 5 Poses to Hug Yourself

When was the last time you squeezed someone really tight? You know that feeling of really holding someone in your arms, hugging them to you because they are so precious, because you want them to know that you are with them, that you are close to them, that you love them, that you feel their Continue reading »

What is mindfulness?

mindfulness, body, embodied, meditation, awake, judy, hirsh, north, london

Mindfulness is acknowledging one’s own feelings, thoughts and sensations in the present moment. When your attention is with what’s happening right now, your mind is not going over what has happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future. You can narrow down your life to this moment, noticing what is Continue reading »

What is Embodied Mindfulness

Judy sunset

What is the practice? I am practicing being present. I am practicing listening to my body more, and listening to my mind less. I am practicing breathing my way to the present moment. I am practicing getting to know myself from another perspective. I am practicing asking myself questions without having to know the answer, Continue reading »

The Virgin & the Meditator

I have a meditation practice but I was in need of something to end the week, a week that was hectic and disorientating. This meditation workshop caught my eye, a teacher I had never heard of, and I felt the need to meditate in a group rather than my DIY job.  As the teacher outlined the basics of Continue reading »

I AM…Ebbing & Flowing

I am sitting on stone – I am warm for you I am feeling the breeze – I am cool for you I am sitting at the shore – I am breathing for you I am watching the sunset – I am alive for you I am sitting in space – I am open to Continue reading »

What a Pain in the Neck!

It was during a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy (PRYT) session that something quite profound was revealed to me – It was a mind-blowing experience that changed how I engage with my life, my fears and my joy. So, this pain in my neck had been around for a while, years in fact and showed no Continue reading »